
67 thoughts on “Meyou

  1. Beautiful photos… Amazing blog. Ever since I have read “It’s not about the Tapas” by Polly Evans, Spain is top of my list of places to visit. Your photos certainly add to that desire! Thank you for liking and following my blog, Travelling Namibia.

    • Hola emdt(?), thank you very much! Dont know that book, but as long as it made you long for Spain, it´s always good! It is an amazing place with so much history. Hope you get to visit and let me know, glad to be following your adventures too!
      Greetings, Ron.

  2. hi ron,

    many thanks for visiting, the ‘likes’ and following. much appreciated.
    nice photos and blog you have going there, congrats.
    I note your travels have brought you to malaysia at present, welcome and enjoy malaysia.


    • Hello ken and agnes,

      Came across yours cuz of being around this part of the world now, thanks for enjoying my stuff, guess theres still a lot of Spain photos to be posted, but more and more of Southeast Asia will follow, i presume 😉

      Greetings, Ron.

  3. Good Morning , nice to meet You and Your blog 🙂 Great posts, great ideas , pleasure to be here , i wish You the best,in free time see my little place too, Regards from Poland , EM

    • Hola Matt, thank you very much and no worries, my Spanish wasnt that good and is getting worse by the day now I left the country 😉
      Hope all is great, greetings, Ron.

    • You´re very welcome, Irene! It was great finding your blog and passion for maledives; as we just arrived in KL places like that are much closer and definitely want to visit there someday, until then I will be following you and hopefully use all your info when I go there…
      Thanks for liking my photos, all the best to you, Ron.

  4. Hi Ron, Thanks for following ¡Alegria! The Joy of Spanish Living. I’m usually not a fan of sunsets (too easy) but the one on your homepage really blew me away. I’d like to invite you to take a look at the photography portfolios we’ve published on ¡Alegria! ( and consider presenting one. Sorry to see you’re leaving Spain. I got there in 1968 and haven’t left yet. Kind regards, Mike Booth

    • Thanks very much, Mike, totally agree on sunsets/ sunrises, apart from the combination with a more interesting subject!
      That last sunset was just a reflection in a rain puddle 🙂 (thats how easy it can be, thought it was funny to do and seems like its not very noticeable 😉
      Very weird to be so far from my beloved Spain, definitely miss it, but this is a whole other adventure!
      Would love to publish a portfoliie at Alegria (great site by the way!), will take some time to get my internet at home, but i will start sorting thru my archives to get a nice consistent overview!
      Thanks for your comment and invite (havent got much time to respond, but i was very flatterd by yours 😉
      Will get back to you, greetings, Ron.

    • Hi Jonathan, well very interesting photo and place, did travel tunisia for 2 weeks, going south close to desert and towards the mountainous area near the Algerian border, impressive sights! Greetz and thanks for stopping by, Ron.

  5. I would “like” every single photo you’ve posted but that would take me all day, hence I am just summarizing here! I spent a lot of time in Spain in the 1960’s and traveled all around the country. I didn’t realize till the other day that there were so many abandoned villages now, as the countryside was quite alive when I was there. Your photos bring back a deep emotional connection for me. Thanks for stopping by my blog or I never would have found you!

    • Hola Alli, so nice to hear you enjoyed your visit here and there must have been huge difference in the 60´s in Spain. So far I traveled a lot the last 3 years and seen lots and lots of beautiful scenery and as an admirer of the countryside and its abandoned villages. Still lots of life in smaller places, but the reign of Franco in those days meant he wanted people to come to the bigger cities for economic reasons. I can imagine its weird seeing my photos and bringing back so much memories. How long and where did you stay then? or did you travel around?
      Thanks for stopping by and nice to hear you liked my photos.
      Have a great weekend, Ron.

      • Ah, Franco…I was once ejected from a beach by the Guardia Civil for wearing a 2-piece (not a bikini, mind you) swim suit. I was in Spain twice, the first time for 6 months in the late 60’s. I had a fellowship to do independent research from my college and I chose to document the evolution of various forms of folk art from their old traditional forms to what was found in the 60’s. To do this I had to travel constantly, moving about every 2-3 days, to visit remote villages all over the country where artesanía was still being made. I also visited museums in the big cities. I photographed everything, old and new, and then wrote about it from what the people I interviewed told me. As the last month approached, I turned “tourist” and rented an apartment in Torremolinos where I did the final writing and assembling of the project. In the early 70’s I returned to Spain with my then-husband and we spent a couple of months immersing ourselves in the flamenco scene. I later took up flamenco dance and ended up getting a few little gigs in southern California. So, history of the influence of Spain in just one paragraph!

    • Thank you, Rick.
      Will go through selection of old ones (round 450 already)and some new ones from new explorations and adventures 😉

      All the best, Ron.

    • Thanks and welcome then, will go through hundreds of already posted to select some that I think good enough to have a new look at or simply cuz not too many viewers have seen them 😉
      All the best to you, Ron.

    • Hi David,
      Thanks for stopping by and very flattered to hear you enjoy my shots too. Hope you like what you see in the future.
      Warm greetings from Spain, Ron.

    • Hi Pierre, sorry for the late reply, sometimes I miss out on some comments, but not on purpose 😉
      Thanks for following and hope you still like what you´ve seen since then.
      All the best to you, Ron.

  6. Thank you for stopping by ekphrasis and letting us know what you think. We hope you keep reading. And nice work on this site. You’ve got some really great photos here..

    • Geez,so sorry for not respecting your award, still as much appreciated!
      But not a fan of the awarding and all, but thanks for your admiration and visit.
      Allthe best to you,Ron.

  7. first thought of first image: full moon drive in New Mexico me and Daphne in a jeep backroads good weed all the time in the world……thanks for checking out my blog site.

    • Thanks Robert, definitely lots of places in Aragon and the North of Spain have a lot in common with what I’ve seen travelling through the Southwest, only seen a little bit of New Mexico, so mostly, Arizona, Utah and California come to mind through the scenery and abandonment over here…
      Greetings, Ron

    • Very late reply, but just found this comment here sitting all alone, i´ll keep it company here 😉
      Thanks and hopefully you were able to enjoy some more since then
      Greetings, Ron.

    • Oops, so sorry, almost a year late, just lost in the maze again 😉
      But still thanking you for your visit and the compliment, very much appreciated still!
      Hope all is well, greetings, Ron.

    • Hello Chillbrook,

      Very thankful and honored that you choose my blog for this award!
      My first thoughts were that I dont believe in any form of awards for creativity, but reading your explanation agree it is a nice way to let visitors know about the blogs you like. After thinking about it, my first thought still wins, but I will think about expanding the above section with blogs I really like.
      Thanks again and keep up your creative work

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